How many days until I will receive my item?

Depends on your geographic location:

  • Domestic (USA)
    • Typically 3-5 days Business days, only for USA orders.
  • Canada & Mexico
    • Within 14 days. However, Both Canada & Mexico have similar delivery times as the USA but cannot be guaranteed. I would suspect about 7 days at most but we say 14 days to be safe.
  •  International (aka everywhere but USA/Canada/Mexico)
    • Within 30 days.

What payment methods are supported?

  • Apple Pay, Amazon Pay, Most credit cards, Venmo and PayPal. 
  • You may explore our checkout options by clicking "More Checkout Options" on the checkout page!

Where are these products shipped from?

  • We ship ALL of our products, shown on our site, from New York. (USA) 

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Are these products dropshipped?

  • NO. Please read the above FAQ. 

Am I able to buy in bulk/wholesale?

  • Yes, feel free to contact us via

Have more questions?

    • You may use the "Chat" feature on our website or send us an email: